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873 articles displayed.

Aleena Siddiqui
CMU's Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP) hacking team.
teacher instructing class outdoors under the trees
A prompt for Mexican dancers from an AI image generator produced the strange ballerinas at left; a new CMU-designed filter makes the image more appropriate and realistic, right. Image credit: Zhixuan Liu, Jean Oh, et al. 2024. SCoFT: Self-Contrastive Fine-Tuning for Equitable Image Generation.
A black and white graphic of a robot at a crosswalk
Minerva Schafer
Kelli Shuman
Ten Tartans have been selected as Fulbright Scholars.
Derek Ham
Peter Schaldenbrand with CoFRIDA.
cups of coffee
CMU-Africa holds its graduation.

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