Carnegie Mellon and Rochester Push Limits of Off-Road Autonomy in DARPA's RACER Program
A team from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Rochester is among three participating in the first phase of DARPA's Robotic Autonomy in Complex Environments with Resiliency (RACER) program.

CMU Team Advances to Final Round of $1M XPRIZE Competition
Carnegie Mellon University learning science researchers are part of a multi-university team that has advanced to the final round of the XPRIZE Digital Learning Challenge.

Remembering Marcel Bruchez
Marcel Bruchez, professor of biological sciences and chemistry and director of the Molecular Biosensor and Imaging Center at Carnegie Mellon University passed away on Aug. 27, 2022 after a four-year hard-fought and courageous battle with glioblastoma.

Guiding the Clean Energy Transition
The three-day Global Clean Energy Action Forum, co-sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University, drew attendees to Pittsburgh to share their ideas on how to move toward a clean and sustainable future.

A New Era for CMU's Institute for Contemporary Art
A greatly expanded Miller ICA to open in new location neighboring the Carnegie Museums.

The Richard King Mellon Hall of Sciences
CMU's new Richard King Mellon Hall of Sciences will emerge as a new center of campus life.

Emily Jordan Sees High Rewards in Addiction Research
Carnegie Mellon University junior Emily Jordan uses computational tools to investigate how risk and reward mechanisms affect addiction outcomes.

The Future of Classroom Experimentation
John Stamper, an associate professor at the Carnegie Mellon's Human-Computer Interaction Institute, discusses the future of classroom experimentation in a Q&A.

Rebranded Software and Societal Systems Department Commits To Enhancing Interplay Between Software and Society
Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science has announced a rebranding of its Institute for Software Research as the Software and Societal Systems Department.

CMU Experts Help Reach Learners in Uganda
Carnegie Mellon University learning scientists are partnering with Yiya AirScience, a virtual classroom that can be accessed in communities across Africa.

Three Questions with Destenie Nock
In this Q&A, Carnegie Mellon University's Destenie Nock talks about energy investment in America.

Global Energy Leaders View Innovation at Mill 19
Participants in the GCEAF Forum will tour Mill 19, a former steel mill converted into a state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing research facility.