PNC Foundation Grants $3 Million to CMU, Expands Access to Pre-college Programming
CMU has been awarded a $3 million grant from the PNC Foundation that will enhance and expand access to the university’s summer pre-college programs.

Sloan Foundation Funds New Office to Support Open Source Activities
Carnegie Mellon University’s Helen and Henry Posner, Jr. Dean of the University Libraries Keith Webster has received a grant of $650,000 from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to establish the Carnegie Mellon University Open Source Program Office (OSPO).

Robots Learn Household Tasks by Watching Humans
CMU faculty members in the Robotics Institute developed a new learning method for robots called WHIRL, short for In the Wild Human-Imitated Robot Learning.

CMU Team Designs the Airports of Tomorrow
A team from Carnegie Mellon University won NASA’s Gateways to Blue Skies: Airports of Tomorrow competition with their project, “Sustainability and Connected Autonomy: A New Era for Aviation.”

Murphy and Pathak Named 2022 DARPA Risers
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has named Carnegie Mellon University’s Max Murphy and Deepak Pathak as part of the 2022 class of DARPA Risers. Each year the agency selects a cohort of outstanding early-career researchers to be recognized for their work and participate in a symposium.

Modern Languages Launches Online Language Courses
The Department of Modern Languages at Carnegie Mellon University is proud to announce the launch of its new online language programs for Chinese, French and Spanish.

Hey Siri: How Much Does This Galaxy Cluster Weigh?
A team led by Carnegie Mellon University physicists has developed a deep-learning method that accurately estimates the mass of the Coma Cluster.

Engineering Art
Sophie Paul is among the the first students to have completed CMU's additional major in engineering and arts.

CMU To Lead Alliance To Explore Equitable Career Advancement In Higher Education
Carnegie Mellon University will lead an alliance to develop a new career advancement model, Project ELEVATE, through the Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), with Johns Hopkins University and New York University also part of the team.

Roboticists Go Off Road To Compile Data That Could Train Self-Driving ATVs
TartanDrive dataset likely largest for off-road environments.

HCII Students Seek To Increase Workplace Gratitude With Co-Orb
Desk lamp lights up with personalized emoji when someone sends a thank-you message.

Drop by Drop: MXene in Complex 3D Device Architectures
CMU's Rahul Panat seeks to create reliable manufacturing methods for building MXene into 3D configurations.