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20 Years of 'Acceleration' Celebrated at Tepper School Naming Anniversary

Media Inquiries
Caitlin Kizielewicz
Tepper School of Business

The Tepper School of Business celebrated the 20th anniversary of the naming of the school on Friday, Nov. 15, honoring the visionary support of David A. Tepper, whose foundational endowment named a school at Carnegie Mellon University with a storied legacy.

In 2004, Tepper gave a $55 million endowment to rename the Graduate School of Industrial Administration (GSIA), which celebrates its 75th anniversary(opens in new window) this year, as the David A. Tepper School of Business. Several years later, Tepper made another transformational contribution with a $67 million match gift for the Tepper Quad(opens in new window), which opened in 2018 and provided a home for the school and a hub for innovation at the heart of campus. 

During the anniversary celebration, Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou(opens in new window), dean and Richard P. Simmons Professor of Finance, spoke of the remarkable progress of the school.

A group of four people in business attire pose for a photo

Jahanian, Bajeux-Besnainou, Tepper and Garrett

“While we have accomplished so much since our founding 75 years ago, the past 20 years have seen an acceleration on numerous fronts,” she said. “We transitioned from a Master of Science in Industrial Administration degree to an MBA degree(opens in new window). We added four new specialized master’s degree programs(opens in new window). Our undergraduate business administration program has more than doubled. Our renowned faculty continues to conduct groundbreaking research(opens in new window). Our students and graduates are sought after by the leading organizations across the globe. We are innovating curriculum and programs for The Intelligent Future(opens in new window).”

The event, held on Nov. 15 in the Simmons Auditorium, celebrated Tepper’s generosity as he returned for a visit with students, alumni, faculty, staff and university leadership. Carnegie Mellon University President Farnam Jahanian(opens in new window) and Provost James H. Garrett Jr.(opens in new window) were present at the celebration.

Jahanian spoke of the university's significant growth and advancement during the past several years, citing the distinctive innovation that has arisen from the convergence of research, education and entrepreneurship at CMU. He then introduced Tepper for brief remarks, thanking him for inspiring numerous members of the Carnegie Mellon community.

Large group of people all wearing the same red T-shirt, surrounded by a man in the business suit at the center. Large screens behind them are displying the same color red with white tex that says, "20th Anniversary - Tepper School naming 2024"

The event culminated in a recreation of a group photo taken at the original naming celebration in 2004(opens in new window), a visual celebration of the school’s incredible journey over the last two decades.

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