Celebrating National Arts in Education Week 2024: CMU Community Shares Personal Reflections on Art’s Impact
In celebration of National Arts in Education Week, members of the Carnegie Mellon University community share how the arts have touched their hearts and minds — and influenced both their personal and professional journeys.

Frederic Chiu: Transforming Music Education with Passion and Innovation
Concert pianist and assistant professor of piano Frederic Chiu occupies a special place in the world of classical music and at Carnegie Mellon University.

Tartan Football Joins Centennial Conference
Carnegie Mellon University has announced its decision to join the Centennial Conference as an associate member for football, starting with the 2025 season.

Pople Lecture Returns
The John A. Pople Lecture in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, a tribute to his enduring legacy, will feature its next distinguished speaker, Krishnan Raghavachari, on Oct. 9.

Battling Chronic Pain with Noninvasive Focused Ultrasound
Carnegie Mellon University's Bin He In a promising development, the He latest work demonstrates the effectiveness of a novel technology that is able to stimulate and modulate specific brain circuits to successfully suppress pain hypersensitivity.

CMU’s Deeper Conversations Returns To Facilitate Election Year Discourse
Carnegie Mellon University’s Deeper Conversations initiative is returning to campus, offering the Carnegie Mellon community the opportunity to engage with today’s most challenging issues through civil discourse.

Research Reveals Underlying Mechanism that Renders Certain High-Risk Cancers Immortal
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have uncovered a key mechanism that promotes telomere elongation, a discovery that has implications for understanding and potentially treating some of the world’s deadliest cancers.

Anna Cappella Wins Niccolai-Fustanio Award
Anna Cappella recently earned the Niccolai-Fustanio Families Scholarship Award, which is given to a senior who has achieved academic success while pursuing other experiences outside of the classroom.

New Tartans Woven into Community at 2024 First-Year Orientation
More than 1,800 students of the Class of 2028+ join the CMU Community at First-Year Orientation 2024.

Pediatric Subspecialty Outreach Initiatives Reduced Driving Time to Doctors
Heinz College researchers examined the impact of pediatric subspeciality outreach clinics on access to the nearest pediatric subspecialists, finding that the presence of these clinics substantially reduced driving time to subspecialists, especially for children living in rural areas.

Tepper School Study: Enhancing Online Retail Sales Forecasting Using Clickstream Data
In a new study, researchers developed a model that helps online retailers to more accurately predict customer purchases from a wide range of products in complex online shopping environments.

VoicePilot Framework Enhances Communication Between Humans and Physically Assistive Robots
Robotics Institute researchers from Carnegie Mellon created VoicePilot, a framework and design guidelines for incorporating LLMs as speech interfaces for physically assistive robots.