Moon Buddy Team Working with NASA on Spacesuits for Lunar Exploration
Technology developed by CMU's Moon Buddy team could make its way into space as part of NASA's next generation of spacesuits.

SCS Ph.D. Students Selected for Amazon Graduate Research Fellowship
Amazon awarded its second round of research fellowships to five graduate students with ties to the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science.

Expert in Ethics and AI Joins CMU Faculty This Fall
Vincent Conitzer will join CMU's School of Computer Science this fall.

Three CMU Faculty Named 2022 Sloan Fellows
Three CMU faculty are recipients of 2022 Sloan Research Fellowships, which honor early career scholars whose achievements put them among the very best scientific minds today.

Four CMU Faculty Named AAAS Fellows
Four Carnegie Mellon University faculty have been named 2021 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Gupta, Mason Named 2021 ACM Fellows
The Association for Computing Machinery has named CMU's Anupam Gupta and Matthew T. Mason 2021 ACM fellows.

CMU-Led Research Team Selected To Develop Robotics Technology To Service Satellites, Build Structures in Orbit
Researchers from CMU will head a consortium to pioneer research into robotic inspection, maintenance and manufacturing of satellites and other structures while in orbit.

Leading the Way
New legislation aims to bolster Pennsylvania's leadership role in autonomous vehicle industry.