Carnegie Mellon Achieves Robotics Innovation Center Construction Milestone
Carnegie Mellon University held a topping-off ceremony to mark the occasion of the completion of the structural phase of construction for its Robotics Innovation Center.
CyLab Brings Cybersecurity to High School Educators
The picoCTF for GenCyber boot camp shares cybersecurity concepts typically taught at the college level, with the goal of helping high school teachers integrate these topics into their curriculum.
Understanding the 3D Ice-printing Process To Create Microscale Structures
Carnegie Mellon researchers Philip LeDuc and Burak Ozdoganlar are spearheading the development of the freeform 3D ice printing (3D-ICE) process.
CMU, Meta Seek To Make Computer-based Tasks Accessible with Wristband Technology
Carnegie Mellon University and Meta have announced a collaborative wearable sensing technology project to make computer-based tasks accessible to more people.
Scott Institute Seed Grants Advance Clean Energy Research at Carnegie Mellon University
Seven Scott Institute Seed Grant awardees will receive a total of nearly $400,000 for developing cutting-edge energy research.
New Course Harnesses AI To Kindle Creativity
A new course, AI for Humanities, offers a unique perspective on how AI can revolutionize our perception and interaction with creative expressions.
Breakthrough Approach Enables Bidirectional BCI Functionality
CMU's Bin He is highly driven to improve noninvasive brain-computer interfaces. His lab uses an innovative electroencephalogram wearable to push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Pilot Transportation Program Improves Rural Access and Mobility
Carnegie Mellon Researchers designed and piloted the rural access mobility platform to improve rural mobility services and intend to replicate the system across the country.
Digital Twins and Nanotechnology Can Transform Agriculture
Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed an approach to increase crop yield and efficiency by making plants more resilient against disease and harmful environmental factors.