Sophomore Eyes Big Ways To Make Microscopic Discoveries Easier
Aramchan Lee and others in CMU’s Zhao Biophotonics Lab are developing protocols to enable the nanoscale visualization of a common fungal pathogen.

Alumnus Noah Mitz, and HDR Michael Keaton Among the Winners at the 74th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
Carnegie Mellon alumnus Noah Mitz, and HDR Michael Keaton took home Emmy Awards at the 74th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.

Carnegie Mellon Receives the No. 1 Rank in Eight Program and Specialty Areas
U.S. News & World Report ranks CMU 22nd overall among National Universities

Exploring Reinforcement Learning To Control Nuclear Fusion Reactions
Research by CMU School of Computer Science student Ian Char marks several firsts in field.

Carnegie Mellon University and Mastercard Foundation Partner To Drive Youth-led Digital Transformation in Africa
A $275.7 million partnership with the Mastercard Foundation will significantly expand advanced engineering and technology education at Carnegie Mellon University in Africa.

Undergraduate Researches the Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Identity
CMU senior Alana Silva-Cacdac researches how isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic affects gender identity.

Carnegie Mellon, Region, To Share Benefits of $62.7M Build Back Better Grant
Carnegie Mellon President Farnam Jahanian joined in a video conference with U.S. President Joseph R. Biden for an announcement that Southwestern Pennsylvania was one of 21 regions awarded a Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.

Largest Study to Date Identifies New Autism Genes
Carnegie Mellon University's Kathryn Roeder is the co-senior author of a new study provides the results of the largest genetic analysis to date to understand the genetics behind autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

New Leaders for a Strong Community
Lori Holt of Carnegie Mellon University and Julie Fiez of the University of Pittsburgh are the new leaders of the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC).

Pier and Beer Alike to the Ear
Carnegie Mellon University graduate student Timothy Murphy was recently awarded the Raymond H. Stetson Scholarship in Phonetics and Speech Science from the Acoustical Society of America.

Convocation Inspires New Class
At this year's Convocation, the Class of 2026+ gathered to mark the formal start of their academic journey — with a heartfelt dose of inspiration from CMU leaders, faculty and fellow students.

Mysterious Genes Survive Marine Organisms’ Evolutions
In a recent publication of the journal Genomics, Carnegie Mellon University researcher Saoirse Foley and colleagues found 14 genes that could provide insight into the origins of marine life.