CMU Mechanical Engineering Student Works on Tiny Bio Robots
CMU's Lameck Beni wants to use his training for medical devices.

Transforming Communities Through the Power of the Arts
Three local projects are underway in Pittsburgh that have involved graduate students from CMU’s Heinz College and whose future will involve the creative arts as a means to reinvigorate the community.

Kristina Wong Davis Named Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Carnegie Mellon University has named Kristina Wong Davis its inaugural vice provost for enrollment management.

Ansys Hall and Fifth & Clyde Residence Hall Earn Building Excellence Awards
The design and construction teams for Carnegie Mellon University’s Ansys Hall and Fifth & Clyde Residence Hall and Neighborhood Commons were awarded 2022 Building Excellence Awards.

Lab Work Makes For Easier Class Work
Terry Feng will graduate from Carnegie Mellon University with a double major in materials science and engineering and computer science. And he says his research experience gave him an edge in working with the tools and equipment he used in his material science courses.

Undergraduate Researches Health Impacts of Wildfire Smoke
CMU undergraduate Jing Lin researches the health effects of wildfire smoke.

A Recipe for Understanding
Grand Challenge Seminar students explore history and culture through food.

Engineering Breakthrough in Softbotics
CMU Researchers develop first self-healing, electrically conducive, soft material.

U.S. Chamber AI Commission Releases New Report
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's AI Commission released a new report. Conrad Tucker, a professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, served as a commissioner.

Doctoral Research Reaches Public in 3MT Championship
Carnegie Mellon University's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition championship was held Tuesday, Feb. 28.

New Air Quality Data from East Palestine, Ohio
Researchers at CMU and Texas A&M test air quality at East Palestine, Ohio.

Undergraduate Aids Fetal Research
CMU sophomore Erin Anand received a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) which allowed her to conduct 3D anatomical structure modeling.