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Evan O'Dorney plays piano.
Three photos of people alongside stylized versions created by generative AI.
Three part illustration, starting with a large bioreactor tank filled with liquid. An arrow points to a vial containing liquid and DNA strands. A second arrow points to a graph showing two very sharp peaks in a line that is otherwise mostly flat. On top of the graph is an illustration of a virus.
The interactive “CM-You Board” installation at the David and Susan Coulter Welcome Center
The 2025 Tartans on the Rise honorees.
Linda Argote
Rales Fellows Nicole Villavicencio-Garduno (left) and Maxwell Jones (right)
Coty Gonzalez
A beekeeper holding bees.
Jonathan Shulgach
Josh Gad with a group of CMU acting students
Graphic depicting a region of the brain's visual cortex that responds to food. The brain is colored in shades of grey, while the highlighted areas of the brain are depicted with orange, green, blue, and purple pixels.

School & College News